Author Archives: mindfulness

Integrate DBT Skills Into Your Practice: Individual Consultation for Clinicians

DBT Skills Training can be complementary and supportive of a variety of psychotherapy approaches.  Therapy deepens and progresses when the vulnerable, emotionally dysregulated client is supported by the highly effective skills developed by Marsha Linehan.  Kate Northcott and Lori Schwanbeck offer … Continue reading

Opposite to Emotion Action: A DBT Skill to Reduce Problem Behaviors

Emotions are neither good or bad, they are essential for survival. Emotions help us to defend ourselves (anger and jealousy), to protect ourselves (fear, shame, disgust), to connect with other beings (love), to motivate (envy) and to live according to … Continue reading

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Depression

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), a group psychotherapy developed by Zindel Segal, J. Mark Williams and John Teasdale, prevents depression relapse through a synthesis of mindfulness and cognitive therapy. The practice of mindfulness helps us to pay attention. It allows “emergent … Continue reading

DBT: Mindfulness Therapy for a Better Life Worth Living

As DBT takes on a bigger and bigger presence in the psychotherapy community, many psychotherapists and clients make these statements. This short and informal article is a very, very brief description of a simple, complex, easy, difficult, fun, hard, highly effective approach to learning how to live a better life. (The previous sentence used some examples of dialectics.) Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is a validation, mindfulness, and skills- based psychotherapy method. The DBT philosophy, approach and interventions can be helpful to any client and to any psychotherapist. Continue reading

Article: Sense and Sensibility

Effective, Creative and Mindful Work with Challenging Clients By Karin Shola von Daler, MFT and Lori Schwanbeck, MFT Working creatively and effectively with clients who present with extreme emotional dysregulation often seems daunting, if not impossible. These are individuals who … Continue reading

The Core Skills of DBT: Wise Mind

Therapists — Learn a DBT Skill: What Wise Mind is. How to find it. How to teach it. The more we practice mindfulness, or observing, the easier it becomes to access the DBT skill called Wise Mind. Wise Mind is … Continue reading